Friday, March 07, 2008

jukka-pekka kervinen & jim leftwich

They opine pine
split Wise and humid

firm Tear gimpy
finch 1929 scalp
inn funny sort reed
jam Snorting sunny
punk Save disc
save Finch Points
life Upset ulcers wave
solve Says chili

veto old perch
wise Funk disk moist
deign Voice tar noisy
point Bouts of anger
voice Life wave
tar Noon ankle
axles young dare
Resolved zilch
upset Not at all ulcer

they Fragmented soap

spume Company grumpy
irate told Anger bubbles
scald Sunny jam
anger Proud joust
proud Noisy hunk waddle
axle Reject old perch
frown rover Young
challenge woven scalp
cape Heated futon
sap Inns torn
chili Say thorny

sort Cape comforter
short Rover greed runny